%0 Journal Article %T Blue Economy to Boom Economy: EU¡¯s Experience and ASEAN-China¡¯s Path %A Feng Li %J Open Journal of Political Science %P 240-254 %@ 2164-0513 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojps.2023.132015 %X ASEAN and China have abundant oceanic resources and well-functioning cooperation mechanisms, which lay solid foundation for blue economy collaboration for mutual benefits. Confronted with challenges, especially from the perspective of stakeholders, on one hand, it¡¯s necessary to learn good experiences from European Union since EU has done well in blue economy; and on the other hand, it¡¯s indispensable to design a suitable solution based on the local conditions and for the sake of long-term sustainability. %K Blue Economy %K EU¡¯s Experience %K ASEAN-China¡¯s Cooperation %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=124694