%0 Journal Article %T 指标权重法试论宜丰河河源
Discussion on the Source of Yifeng River by Index Weight Method %A 王会 %A 袁美龄 %A 吴剑英 %A 黄监初 %A 戈晓斌 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 1-6 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %X 关于河源的划分,学术界目前并无统一标准,现代常用长度、流量、流域面积、高程、流向、历史习惯等要素判定。综合多方面因素,征集相关专家意见,提出了指标权重法论证本省河流源头。本文以宜丰河为例,试用该方法论证其河源,指出宜丰河发源于石花尖山脉胡家山。
There is no unifed standard for river source division academically. River length, discharge, basin area, elevation, flow direction, historical habit and other factors are judged to determine river source in practice. Synthesizing many factors and collecting the opinions of relevant experts, this paper puts forward the index weight method to demonstrate the source of rivers in this province. Taking Yifeng River as an example, this paper demonstrates the source of Yifeng River by this method, and points out that Yifeng River originates from Hujiashan of Shihuajian mountain range. %K 指标权重法,宜丰河,河源
Index Weight Method %K Yifeng River %K River Source %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64526