%0 Journal Article %T 用心为学 作最好最真的文章——兼评杜伟《黎族汉族民间童话比较论》
Study Diligently to Make the Best and Most True Article—Comment on Comparative Study on Folk Fairy Tales of Li Nationality and Han Nationality %A 武传阳 %J World Literature Studies %P 142-145 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.112025 %X 民间文学中蕴含着丰富的民族精神,是民族文化的重要组成部分。专著《黎族汉族民间童话比较论》采用黎汉民间文学比较研究的视角,探讨民间童话的概念,童话与神话、传说、民间故事的关系,黎族汉族民间童话的类别与特色以及黎族汉族民间童话的源流与异变等课题,是当前民间文学研究领域出现的一部力作。
Folk literature contains rich national spirit, which is an important part of national culture. Com-parative Study on Folk Fairy Tales of Li Nationality and Han Nationality, this monograph explores a series of issues from a comparative perspective. These issues include the concept of folk fairy tales, the relationship between fairy tales and myths, legends and folk tales, the categories and characteristics of Li and Han folk fairy tales, and the origin and variation of Li and Han folk fairy tales. This monograph is a masterpiece in the field of folk literature research. %K 民间文学,童话,比较研究
Folk Literature %K Fairy Tales %K Comparative Study %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64392