%0 Journal Article %T AO与MBR一体化工艺处理城镇生活污水的对比
Comparison of AO and MBR Integrated Process for Treating Urban Domestic Sewage %A 任焱 %J Water pollution and treatment %P 41-47 %@ 2332-8029 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WPT.2023.112006 %X 随着经济的繁荣发展,大量人口涌入城镇,导致城镇的污水排放量增加,水质严重恶化。在城镇化进程中,研究污水治理工艺有助于推广更加经济、高效的技术与方案,实现城镇的可持续发展。为此,本文将通过对AO与MBR两种一体化工艺处理城镇生活污水展开比较,主要从工艺特点、脱氮除磷效果、出水水质、工艺设备及后期运行费用入手,结合案例进行初步分析和讨论,希望通过对比两种工艺的优缺点及适用条件,对城镇生活污水处理体系的发展给予有效的建议。
With the prosperity and development of the economy, a large number of people have poured into cities and towns, leading to an increase in the amount of sewage discharge in cities and towns, and a serious deterioration in water quality. In the process of urbanization, studying wastewater treat-ment processes can help promote more economical and efficient technologies and schemes, and achieve sustainable development of cities and towns. Therefore, this article will compare the two integrated processes of AO and MBR for the treatment of urban domestic sewage, mainly starting from the process characteristics, nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency, effluent quality, process equipment, and later operating costs. Based on a preliminary analysis and discussion of cases, it is hoped that by comparing the advantages, disadvantages, and applicable conditions of the two processes, effective suggestions will be given for the development of urban domestic sewage treatment systems. %K 城镇生活污水处理,AO工艺,MBR工艺,Urban Domestic Sewage Treatment %K AO Process %K MBR Process %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64722