%0 Journal Article %T 不同流体介质流量测试技术与仪器研制
Technology and Instrument Development of Flow Measurement in Different Fluid Media %A 马来增 %A 李力行 %A 薄其利 %A 丁涛 %A 梁军 %J Mechanical Engineering and Technology %P 152-162 %@ 2167-6623 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MET.2023.122018 %X 由于油田酸化、防砂、调剖、注聚等流量检测工作环境复杂多变,而现有各类型流量计都无法完全适应高压多介质流体测量。为此,针对高压环境下强腐蚀性流体、含聚合物非均质流体和高含砂流体,开展了不同流体介质流量测试技术研究,并研制出一套能同时满足注水、酸化、调剖、防砂等油田现场施工所需的高精度流量测量装置。结果表明:通过双通道超声流量计安装在管道上,可实现对在作业的井的在线监测,可实时测量流量,为运行人员监测主变运行状态提供了可视、可靠的数据支撑,提高了酸化等作业工作的可靠数据;双通道超声流量计安装在固定直管段上,简化了安装流程,大大提升了工作效率,有益于系统的安全平稳运行;仪器安装简便,为外贴式,无需管道断流,调整探头距离即可对不同介质进行测量,也不会影响运行的稳定性,具有一定的推广应用价值。
Due to the complex and varied working environment of flow detection, such as acidification, sand control, profile control and polymer injection, existing flowmeters are unable to fully adapt to high pressure multi-media fluid measurement. Therefore, the flow measurement technology of different fluid media was studied for highly corrosive fluid, heterogeneous fluid containing polymer and sand containing fluid under high pressure environment, and a set of high-precision flow measurement device was developed which can simultaneously meet the requirements of water injection, acidifi-cation, profile control and sand control field construction. The results show that the dual-channel ultrasonic flowmeter installed on the pipeline can realize the online monitoring of the well in oper-ation, and can measure the flow rate in real time. It provides visual and reliable data support for the operator to monitor the running state of the main transformer, and improves the reliable data of acidizing operations and other work. The double channel ultrasonic flowmeter is installed on the fixed straight pipe section, which simplifies the installation process, greatly improves the working efficiency and is beneficial to the safe and stable operation of the system. The installation of the in-strument is simple, external paste type, no need for pipeline disconnection; adjusting the probe distance can be measured on different media, and it will not affect the stability of operation and has a certain promotion and application value. %K 油田液体,流量检测,流量计,测试技术,测试仪器,研制;Oilfield Fluid %K Flow Detection %K Flowmeter %K Test Technology %K Testing Instruments %K Research and Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64709