%0 Journal Article %T 生物有机肥对农田土壤特性、作物产量与品质影响的研究进展
Research Progress on Effects of Bio-Organic Fertilizer on Soil Characteristics of Farmland, Crop Yield and Quality %A 庞勋 %A 梁冉 %A 刘继国 %A 张翰林 %A 郭瑞阳 %A 耿亚菲 %A 刘兆东 %A 耿立清 %A 王艳芹 %J Hans Journal of Soil Science %P 100-106 %@ 2329-7263 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJSS.2023.112013 %X 生物有机肥是新型环保高效的功能性肥料,不仅能够为作物提供多种养分,还会改善土壤微生物活性、改良土壤特性,从而提高作物品质及产量。本文介绍了生物有机肥的概念,总结了生物有机肥对土壤性质和作物生长的影响,以及存在的问题。
Bio-organic fertilizer is a novel environmentally-friendly and functional fertilizer. It can not only provide a variety of nutrients for crops, but also improve soil microbial activity and soil properties, which improves crop quality and yield. This paper introduces the concept of bio-organic fertilizer, and its application in the production process, and summarizes the effects of bio-organic fertilizer on soil properties and crop growth, and the existing problem. %K 生物有机肥,土壤性质,作物产量,作物品质
Bio-Organic Fertilizer %K Soil Property %K Crop Yield %K Crop Quality %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64571