%0 Journal Article %T Effects of Spring Biomass Burning in the Indochina Peninsula on May Precipitation in South China %A Qianqian Mao %A Shuyu Liu %A Yu Huang %J Journal of Water Resource and Protection %P 179-193 %@ 1945-3108 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jwarp.2023.155011 %X Each year, during the dry season that precedes the summer wind and rainfall Indo-China Peninsula (ICP), significant biomass burning occurs and reaches its peak from March to April. This biomass burning generates large amounts of aerosols that impact East Asia and surrounding areas through the Asian monsoon. This study aims to investigate the potential connection between biomass burning over the ICP and precipitation in South China during May, along with the physical processes involved. The analysis is based on GLDAS soil moisture reanalysis data and CPC (NOAA) precipitation data covering the period from 1980 to 2021. The research findings indicate a negative (positive) correlation between biomass burning in the ICP region during spring and precipitation in the same region (South China) during May. The circulation patterns corresponding to years with biomass-burning emission anomalies are further investigated, and the impact of biomass-burning emissions in spring on soil moisture and temperature is examined. The results suggest that biomass-burning emissions can significantly affect atmospheric circulation and precipitation, ultimately leading to anomalous precipitation in South China. %K Indo-China Peninsula %K Biomass-Burning Aerosols %K Atmospheric Circulation %K Precipitation %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=124835