%0 Journal Article %T The Evolving Absolute Magnitude of Type 1a Supernovae and Its Critical Impact on the Cosmological Parameters %A Abraham P. Mahtessian %A Garen S. Karapetian %A Martik A. Hovhannisyan %A Lazar A. Mahtessian %J International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics %P 39-60 %@ 2161-4725 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ijaa.2023.132003 %X In this work, a computer optimization model has been developed that allows one to load the initial data of observations of supernovae 1a into a table and, in simple steps, by searching for the best fit between observations and theory, obtain the values of the parameters of cosmological models. The optimization is carried out assuming that the absolute magnitude of supernovae is not constant, but evolves with time. It is assumed that the dependence of the absolute magnitude on the redshift is linear: M = M( z = 0) + εz, where εc is the evolution coefficient of the absolute magnitude of type 1a supernovae. In the case of a flat universe ( M + 次 = 1 ), the best fit between theory and observation is ε= 0.304. In this case, for the cosmological parameters we obtain 次 = 0.000, 次M =1.000. Naturally, this result exactly coincides with the simulation result for the model with zero cosmological constant ( c = 0.304, q0 = 0.500 ). Within the framework of the 托CDM model, without restriction on space curvature ( 次M + 次+ 次K = 1 ), we obtain the following values: εc = 0.304, = 0.000, = 1