%0 Journal Article %T Review: Practical Use of a Neurophysiological Detector and the Protocol for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography %A Ilia Brondz %J International Journal of Analytical Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography %P 1-10 %@ 2332-1776 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ijamsc.2023.111001 %X The main aim for discovery and development of the neurophysiological detector was detection of the production¡¯ seats and criminal use of poisons in warfare. Phosphor-organic (PO) substances with acetylcholinesterase-blocking effects are prohibited in warfare by international law (Geneva Protocol.
https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/bio/1925-geneva-protocol/). Monitoring PO analogs with acetylcholinesterase-blocking effects and their degradation products in water and soil can provide clues to unlawful production sites and the possible use of POs in warfare. Attempts to analyze POs by derivatization have had a low ability to detect them. A neurophysiological detector (NPD)-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system was developed for specific detection with high detection ability. The first official presentation of our NPD was at the 3rd International Symposium on Separation in BioSciences SBS 2003: A 100 Years of Chromatography, May 13-18, 2003, in Moscow, Russia. The NPD in connection to HPLC was developed 14 years before the presentation at the SBS in 2003. Initially, NPD combined with an HPLC system was developed for intelligence services and only for use in monitoring and espionage against the unlawful production of neuroparalytic agents, as explained in this article. NPD combined with an HPLC system was developed in Umeå, Sweden, in 1987-89; the protocol was further developed in Statens Plantevern Institutt, Ås, Norway, in 1990