%0 Journal Article %T 浅析电影制作中现实与想象的关系
Analysis of the Relationship between Reality and Imagination in Film-Making %A 魏文心 %A 王丽君 %J Art Research Letters %P 94-99 %@ 2326-3482 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ARL.2023.122016 %X 随着时代发展,数字技术的应用和革新是影视行业发展的必然需求,技术贯穿于影视生产制作与发行放映的全流程中,推动实现更加丰富的叙事内容与视听效果,将原本只能存在于想象中的事物以视听艺术展现在观众面前。本文追溯了数字技术与影视艺术的互动发展历程,而后引出以LED屏拍摄为代表的虚拟制作方法,从中探究电影制作中现实与想象的关系变化,认为数字技术带来的不仅是电影艺术的嬗变,也是创作过程中思维方式的转化、协作模式的优化,从而作用于电影生产的各个环节,在影像视觉化表述和制作效率提升中发挥着持续性价值。
With the development of the times, the application and innovation of digital technology is the inevitable demand of the development of the film and television industry, promoting the realization of more rich narrative content and audio-visual effects, the original can only exist in the imagination of things in the audio-visual art show in front of the audience. This paper traces back to the interactive development of digital technology and film and television art, and then leads to the LED screen shooting as a representative of the virtual production method, from which to explore the relationship between reality and imagination in film production changes, it is believed that the digital technology brings not only the evolution of film art, but also the transformation of thinking mode and the optimization of cooperative mode in the process of creation, thus acting on every link of film production, in the visual presentation of images and production efficiency to play a continuous value. %K 电影制作,现实与想象,数字技术,影视艺术
Film Production %K Reality and Imagination %K Digital Technology %K Film and Television Art %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=65487