%0 Journal Article %T Mechanical Characterization of Rubber Latex-Based Carpets (<i>Hevea bresiliensis</i>): Influence of Rubber Latex Content and Fiber Fabrics (Cotton and Mosquito Nets) on Wear Resistance of Rubber Latex-Based Carpets %A Assoumou Joseph Yomanfo %A Obre Sery Paul Jolissaint %A Edjik¨¦m¨¦ Emeruwa %A Mam¨¦ry Adama Serifou %J Open Journal of Composite Materials %P 47-55 %@ 2164-5655 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojcm.2023.133004 %X This work focuses on the development of carpets from sand, fabrics of cotton fiber and mosquito nets and rubber latex. Following a study on the choice of the best formulations, the quantity of rubber latex used for shaping varies between 14% and 18% (latex/sand + latex ratio) for the carpet with the fabric of mosquito nets and between 16% and 18% for the one made with the fabric of cotton fiber. Thus, with a mixture of sand, fiber fabrics (cotton and mosquito nets) and rubber latex, carpets were developed. In addition, the wear test carried out on these samples indicates that it is possible to produce carpets with the new material made of rubber sand and latex: SABLATEX At room temperature. Following the characterization test, it resorts to only 16% latex with cotton fiber fabric, allowing to have carpets with good mechanical characteristics. %K Carpet %K Rubber Latex %K Wear Test %K Latex Content %K Fiber Fabrics %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=125338