%0 Journal Article %T 试论17世纪的中国科学革命——以观念的转变为中心
On The Chinese Revolution of Science in the 17th Century—Centered on the Transformation of View %A 刘皓垚 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 25-31 %@ 2574-416X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2023.72005 %X 科学的发展模式有连续性和断裂性两种特征,以后者为主的过程被称之为科学革命。17世纪中国科学也经历过一次断裂式的变革,贯穿这一过程的是地球观念的传入、接受和应用。它对中国古代的天文学、地理学和计量学产生了深远的影响。但由于这一革命对当时的社会、文化和政治的触动是有限的,使得科学的近代形态并没有在中国产生。
The development model of science has two characteristics: continuity and rupture. The process of the latter is called the scientific revolution. In the 17th century, Chinese science also experienced a break-up change, which was accompanied by the introduction, acceptance and application of the view of the earth. It had a profound impact on astronomy, geography and metrology in ancient Chi-na. However, due to the limited social, cultural and political influence of this revolution, the modern form of science did not emerge in China. %K 崇祯历书,地球观念,传教士,科学革命
Chongzhen Lishu %K Concept of Earth-Globe %K Missionary %K Scientific Revolution %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=66634