%0 Journal Article %T 基于当代社会背景下大城市居民对宠物领养的认知情况与态度的研究
Based on the Cognition and Attitude of Big City Residents towards Pet Adoption under the Background of Contemporary Society %A 邓诗洁 %A 曹若含 %A 周津羽 %A 陈依婷 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 32-36 %@ 2574-416X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2023.72006 %X 本文主要针对上海等有专门的宠物领养基地的大城市居民,通过对其展开关于宠物领养的认知情况以及相关态度的调研,并基于全国各地的实际情况,对比部分宠物领养实行有效的地区并结合大量调查数据,分析探索加速在全国各地推行宠物领养的新方法与途径,让人们进一步明白呼吁领养宠物的意义,对成功可行地推出“领养”这一概念,提出解决方案和建议。
This paper mainly focuses on residents of large cities with special pet adoption bases such as Shanghai, through the investigation of their cognition and related attitudes on pet adoption, and based on the actual situation of all parts of the country, compared with some areas where pet adop-tion is effective and combined with a large number of survey data, analyzes and explores new methods and ways to accelerate the implementation of pet adoption throughout the country, so that people can further understand the significance of calling for pet adoption, and put forward solutions and suggestions for the successful and feasible introduction of the concept of “adoption”. %K 宠物领养,流浪动物,宠物市场
Pet Adoption %K Stray Animals %K Pet Market %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=66635