%0 Journal Article %T 电化学绿色合成β-酮砜的新方法
A New Method for Electrochemical Green Synthesis of β-Ketosulfone %A 王超 %A 阿布都热西提·阿布力克木 %J Hans Journal of Chemical Engineering and Technology %P 209-215 %@ 2161-8852 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJCET.2023.133024 %X 通过电化学合成,在三水合高氯酸锂(LiClO4?3H2O)作为电解质的条件下,末端炔烃和苯亚磺酸钠类化合物在35℃的条件下反应生成相应的β-酮砜类化合物,反应中依靠电子转移促进反应进行,在无过渡金属催化、无外部添加剂的条件下提供了9种β-酮砜,产率为34%~62%。该反应体系简单、高效,采用了绿色合成方法及溶剂,具有操作处理简单、条件温和等优点,所有合成产物均经1H NMR、13C NMR结构确证。
Through electrochemical synthesis, in the presence of lithium perchlorate trihydrate (LiClO4?3H2O) as an electrolyte, terminal alkynes and sodium benzene sulfonate compounds re-act at 35?C to form corresponding β-Ketosulfone compounds, which rely on electron transfer to promote the reaction, provide 9 without transition metal catalysis and external additives β-Ketosulfone, with a yield of 34%~62%. The reaction system is simple, efficient, uses green synthesis methods and solvents, and has the advantages of simple operation and mild conditions. All synthesized products have been confirmed by 1H NMR and 13C NMR analysis. %K β-酮砜,有机电化学合成,电子转移,绿色合成
β-Ketosulfone %K Organic Electrosynthesis %K Electron Transfer %K Green Synthesis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=66234