%0 Journal Article %T 低共熔溶剂在化工分离方面的研究进展
Research Progress in the Chemical Separation of Deep Eutectic Solventsn %A 黄荷梦 %A 王海荣 %A 朱艳青 %A 张芳 %J Hans Journal of Chemical Engineering and Technology %P 216-223 %@ 2161-8852 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJCET.2023.133025 %X 随着绿色化学的发展,开发和应用符合绿色化学要求的溶剂和方法备受关注。作为一类新兴的绿色溶剂,DES在化合物的分离方面受到广泛关注,其作为萃取溶剂具有独特的优势,可以获得较高的萃取效率且对分析过程的影响较小,因此逐渐成为绿色化学领域的研究重点。DES可以捕集气体,分离有机物,分离共沸物,萃取复杂基质中的残留药物、金属离子和生物活性成分等。该文整合了DES在化工分离方面的研究进展,介绍了DES的定义、性质和分类,对DES在化工分离过程中的应用进行了总结和归类,并展望了DES在化工分离技术中的应用前景。
With the development of green chemistry, the development and application of solvents and methods that meet the requirements of green chemistry have attracted much attention. As a kind of emerging green solvent, DES has been widely concerned in the separation of compounds. As an extraction solvent, DES has unique advantages, which can obtain high extraction efficiency and have little influence on the analysis process, so it has gradually become the research focus in the field of green chemistry. DES can capture gas, separate organic matter, separate azeotrope, and extract residual drugs, metal ions and bioactive ingredients in a complex matrix. The paper integrates the research progress of DES in chemical separation, introduces the definition, properties and classification of DES, summarizes and classifies the application of DES in the process of chemical separation, and prospects the application prospect of DES in chemical separation technology. %K 低共熔溶剂,化工分离,绿色溶剂
Deep Eutectic Solvent %K Chemical Separation %K Green Solvent %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=66235