%0 Journal Article %T 珠江流域生态补偿效率测度研究
Study on Measurement of Ecological Compensation Efficiency in the Pearl River Basin %A 陈思年 %J Journal of Low Carbon Economy %P 58-65 %@ 2324-7932 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JLCE.2023.122008 %X 珠江流域作为我国经济最活跃的流域之一,对于其流域地区的生态和经济发展都具有重大意义,为探究其生态补偿效率,本探究通过建立三级指标体系,共包含50个指标变量,分别使用熵权法计算得分和熵权-TPOSIS计算排名,通过结果得出相应结论,一是位于珠江流域上游的云南生态补偿效率综合得分较低,而广西的补偿效率得分较高。二是经济效率的权重较大,但不是唯一的主要影响因素,并基于此提出可行性建议。
Pearl river basin as one of the most active economic basin in China, for its ecological and economic development is of great significance, to explore the ecological compensation efficiency, this explore through the establishment of threelevel index system, contains 50 index variables, using the entropy weight method to calculate score and entropy Right-TPOSIS ranking, through the corresponding conclusion, one is located in the pearl river basin upstream Yunnan ecological compensation efficiency comprehensive score is low, and the Guangxi compensation efficiency score is higher. Second, the weight of economic efficiency is large, but it is not the only main influencing factor, and feasibility suggestions are put forward based on this. %K 珠江流域,综合评价,TOTSIS法
Pearl River Basin %K Comprehensive Evaluation %K TOTSIS Method %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=66248