%0 Journal Article %T Data Integrity and Risk %A Sasidhar Duggineni %J Open Journal of Optimization %P 25-33 %@ 2325-7091 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojop.2023.122003 %X Data Integrity is a critical component of Data lifecycle management. Its importance increases even more in a complex and dynamic landscape. Actions like unauthorized access, unauthorized modifications, data manipulations, audit tampering, data backdating, data falsification, phishing and spoofing are no longer restricted to rogue individuals but in fact also prevalent in systematic organizations and states as well. Therefore, data security requires strong data integrity measures and associated technical controls in place. Without proper customized framework in place, organizations are prone to high risk of financial, reputational, revenue losses, bankruptcies, and legal penalties which we shall discuss further throughout this paper. We will also explore some of the improvised and innovative techniques in product development to better tackle the challenges and requirements of data security and integrity. %K Data Governance %K Data Integrity %K Data Management %K Data Security %K Technical Controls %K Regulations %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=125464