%0 Journal Article %T First Recorded Account of a White Shark Agonistic Pectoral Fin Depression Behavior at Guadalupe Island, Mexico %A Andrew Currie %A Ralph S. Collier %J Open Journal of Animal Sciences %P 263-271 %@ 2161-7627 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojas.2023.133019 %X An agonistic display by a white shark was observed and photographed during a cage dive at Guadalupe Island in November 2015. Exhibiting exaggerated pectoral fin depression, agonistic behaviors have been previously observed and described in several shark species. This account may be the first record of a white shark in close proximity to a caged diver, exhibiting strong pectoral fin depression significantly dipped, in the mid-agonistic display. Such displays should be considered as aggressive and potentially life-threatening by those using the ocean for recreational or professional purposes. %K White Shark %K Ocean %K Agonistic Behavior %K Pectoral Fin Depression %K Cage Diving %K Guadalupe Island %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=125537