%0 Journal Article %T “病、魂”隐喻下的生存困境——读苏童《黄雀记》
The Dilemma of Existence under the Metaphor of “Sickness and Soul”—Reading Su Tong’s The Storyof Yellow Sparrow %A 钱琛 %J World Literature Studies %P 217-220 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.113038 %X 苏童的《黄雀记》是一场关于“强奸案”的悲剧,小说中的人物在彼此独立又相互牵绊的命运中各自挣扎与毁灭。在苏童笔下,“魂”与“病”是意义极为浓厚的两个词,作品通过个人的“失魂”伸展出群体的“失魂”,仿佛每一代人都有各自的“病症”。本文将以“病”和“魂”为切入口,挖掘作者对于社会变迁中的人的生存困境的思考。
The Story of the Yellow Sparrow by Su Tong is a tragedy about the rape case. The characters in the novel struggle and destroy themselves in the fate of being independent and intertwined with each other. In Su Tong’s works, “soul” and “disease” are two words with very strong meaning. Through the “loss of soul” of individuals, the works extend the “loss of soul” of groups, as if each generation has its own “disease”. This paper will take “disease” and “soul” as the entry point to dig out the author’s thinking on the plight of human survival in the social change. %K 《黄雀记》,病,魂
The Story of the Yellow Sparrow %K Sick %K Soul %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67033