%0 Journal Article %T Political Polarization and Relationship Dissolution on Social Media among Hong Kong Students during the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement %A Zhaoxun Song %A Jing Wu %A Hsinli Hu %A Xiaran Song %J Advances in Journalism and Communication %P 116-135 %@ 2328-4935 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajc.2023.112009 %X Hong KongĄ¯s controversy over the Anti-extradition Bill Movement triggered a large-scale social movement, which gradually evolved from relatively peaceful demonstrations to a prolonged series of conflicts and even street violence. Hong Kong students are the most front-line participants. Social media are important platforms for youth political mobilization and organization. The growing political polarization on social media has led to a series of problems such as political unfriending and even cyberbullying. This study interviewed 96 students to investigate their practices of political unfriending on social media, to analyse the psychological pressure and possible cyberbullying caused by such online participatory action towards political dissidents, and to explore ways for government, schools, parents, and other stakeholders to guide students to break their information cocoons by exposing to different political ideologies in a more inclusive manner for a healthier development of democracy in Hong Kong. %K Political Polarization %K Relationship Dissolution %K Social Media %K Hong Kong Students %K Anti-Extradition Bill Movement %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=125636