%0 Journal Article %T 石油充注对成岩作用影响的研究现状
A Review of the Effect of Oil Emplacement on Diagenesis %A 宋子学 %J Adances in Marine Sciences %P 83-90 %@ 2376-4279 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMS.2023.102010 %X 通过对国内外石油充注对成岩作用影响典型实例的剖析和概括,将石油充注对成岩作用影响的观点分为两大类,并总结了4大主要控制因素。研究认为,石油充注对成岩作用的影响主要受下列4大因素的控制:1) 石油充注前储层沉积特征;2) 石油充注前的成岩时间;3) 石油充注后含油饱和度;4) 油自身的演化程度及其性质。并在上述研究的基础上,提出石油充注类型的两种分类方法,便于针对不同盆地的实际资料及成岩和沉积特征展开石油充注对成岩作用影响的研究工作。
Through the analysis and summary of the typical examples of the influence of oil charging on dia-genesis at home and abroad, the views on the influence of oil charging on diagenesis are divided in-to two categories, and four main controlling factors are summarized. The study shows that the in-fluence of oil charging on diagenesis is mainly controlled by the following four factors: 1) sedimen-tary characteristics of reservoir before oil charging; 2) the time of diagenesis before oil filling; 3) Oil saturation after oil charging; 4) The evolution degree of oil itself and its properties. On the basis of the above research, two classification methods of oil charging types are proposed, which is conven-ient for the study of the influence of oil charging on diagenesis according to the actual data and dia-genetic and sedimentary characteristics of different basins. %K 石油充注,沉积特征,成岩时间,含油饱和度
Oil Emplacement %K Sedimentary Characteristics %K Diagenetic Time %K Oil Saturation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67124