%0 Journal Article %T 大学生创新项目参与意愿的原因及内在逻辑研究
A Logical Study on the Reasons for College Students’ Willingness to Participate in Innovative Projects %A 阎瑞霞 %A 牛倩 %A 谢妍曦 %A 王筱莉 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 48-54 %@ 2574-416X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2023.72008 %X 大学生创新实践相关能力的培养是我国高等教育发展的重要目标。大学生参与科研创新项目对激发大学生创新思维、实践能力具有重要的作用。但是大学生参与创新项目、完成科研任务的动力出现了不足的情况。文章基于ISM(解释结构模型),通过对文献的阅读,从创新能力、科研创新需要以及创新项目参与环境3个维度提取出要素,对影响大学生创新项目参与意愿的因素进行层级模型构建。研究结果表明,三个维度中的创新思维、学习能力、实践能力、兴趣爱好、使命感、认同感、自我实现、科研创新氛围、资源支持、社会认可对大学生创新项目参与有不同层次的影响。模型的构建在一定程度上为激发大学生参与创新项目完成创新科研任务提供了理论依据。
The cultivation of college students’ ability to innovate and practice is an important goal of the de-velopment of higher education in China. College students’ participation in scientific research and innovation projects plays an important role in stimulating college students’ innovative thinking and practical ability. However, the motivation of university students to participate in innovative projects and complete scientific research tasks is insufficient. Based on ISM, through the reading of litera-ture, this paper extracts elements from three dimensions: innovation ability, scientific research and innovation needs and innovation project participation environment, and constructs a hierarchical model of the factors affecting college students’ willingness to participate in innovation projects. The results show that innovative thinking, learning ability, practical ability, hobbies, sense of mission, sense of identity, self-realization, scientific research and innovation atmosphere, resource support and social recognition in the three dimensions have different levels of influence on college students’ participation in innovative projects. To a certain extent, the construction of the model provides a theoretical basis for stimulating college students to participate in innovative projects and complete innovative scientific research tasks. %K 创新项目,大学生,影响因素,ISM
Innovative Projects %K University Student %K Influencing Factors %K ISM %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67116