%0 Journal Article %T 烟草暴露与人类肠道菌群相关性探究
Exploring the Correlation between Tobacco Exposure and Human Intestinal Flora %A 吴雯 %A 周天翔 %A 怀惠英 %A 柳晓帅 %A 秦科 %A 缪振丰 %A 赵轶 %A 陈育苗 %J Advances in Microbiology %P 71-82 %@ 2327-0829 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMB.2023.122009 %X 目的:探究不同烟草暴露程度健康人群的肠道菌群是否存在差异,挖掘烟草暴露对肠道菌群的影响。方法:收集符合纳入标准的各组人员的粪便样本,其中烟草暴露组(>400年支) (A组) 17例、烟草暴露组(<400年支) (B组) 16例、长期二手烟暴露组(C组) 16例、戒烟组(戒烟6月以上) (D组) 14例及无烟草暴露组(E组) 17例。对上述每份粪便样本进行16S rDNA高通量测序,随后进行OTU分析及物种注释、样本复杂度分析、多样本比较分析及组间群落结构差异显著性分析。结果:A组、B组、D组在菌种组成更为接近,而C组、E组在菌种组成上更为接近。但各组间菌群丰富度、多样性、群落分布无显著异常。在门水平上,部分组间在厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)及变形菌门(Proteobacteria)存在差异(p < 0.05)。在属水平上,Agathobacter属、Blautia属、f_Lachnospiraceae_Unclassified属、Roseburia属、Subdoligranulum属在不同组间存在统计学差异(p < 0.05)。结论:不同程度的烟草暴露人群的肠道菌群多样性未发现明确的差异,但Blautia菌属及Roseburia菌属与烟草暴露程度呈负相关性,值得进一步研究。
Objective: To investigate whether there are differences in the intestinal flora of healthy people with different levels of tobacco exposure, and explore the effects of tobacco exposure on the intestinal flora. Methods: Fecal samples were collected from 80 volunteers, including 17 cases in the tobacco exposure group (Smoking Index > 400) (group A), 16 cases in the tobacco exposure group (Smoking Index < 400) (group B), 16 cases in the long-term second-hand smoke exposure group (group C), 14 cases in the smoking cessation group (more than 6 months) (group D) and 17 cases in the non-tobacco exposure group (group E). Each of the above fecal samples was analyzed by 16SrDNA, and OTU analysis and species annotation, Alpha diversity, Beta diversity, significance analysis of community structure differences were performed between groups. Results: Groups A, B and D were closer in intestinal flora composition, while groups C and E were closer in composition. There were no significant abnormalities in the richness, diversity and community distribution of the intestinal flora between the groups. At the Phylum level,there were significantly differences between the some groups of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria (p < 0.05). At the Genus level, there were significantly differences between the different groups of Agathobacter, Blautia, f_Lachnospi- raceae_Unclassified, Roseburia, and Subdoligranulum (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Despite there were no clear differences were found in the diversity of intestinal flora in people with different levels of tobacco exposure so far, but the genus Blautia and Roseburia were inversely correlated with tobacco exposure, which is worth further exploring. %K 烟草暴露,肠道菌群,16S rDNA,Blautia菌属,Roseburia菌属
Tobacco Exposure %K Intestinal Flora %K 16S rDNA %K Blautia %K Roseburia %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67179