%0 Journal Article %T 热电联产集中供热热水罐蓄热技术的发展现状浅析
Analysis on the Development Status of Hot Water Heat Storage Technology for Central Heating and Power Cogeneration %A 李俊峰 %A 单伟贤 %A 赵云霞 %A 王延群 %A 房晓蕾 %A 张剑楠 %A 柳爱芬 %A 岳晋辉 %J Advances in Energy and Power Engineering %P 93-100 %@ 2328-0506 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AEPE.2023.113012 %X 近年来,我国的集中供热面临巨大压力。六五期间,热电厂运用“以热定电”策略来降低运行成本,但该策略导致用电低峰期发电过度,用电高峰期产电不足,从而造成电力供需不平衡。为了解决“热电耦合”问题,国内外许多学者提出了通过蓄热水技术与热电联产机组的协同运作来提高供电可靠性、提升供热质量、实现电力负荷调节的解决方案。本文旨在介绍热水蓄热技术中蓄热水罐的运作原理、应用条件、结构组成和热特性,并比较分析了集中式、分布式和分散式三种蓄热罐系统布置形式的热延迟性、经济性、安全性和灵活性等方面。此外,文章总结了现阶段的研究成果,并进行初步的经济性评估。
In recent years, China's central heating is facing great pressure. During the sixth five-year period, the thermal power plants in China implemented a strategy called \"heat-led electricity generation\" to reduce operating costs. However, this strategy resulted in excessive electricity generation during periods of low electricity consumption and insufficient electricity production during peak consumption, leading to an imbalance between power supply and demand. To address the issue of \"heat-electricity coupling,\" numerous scholars from both domestic and international sources have proposed a solution that involves the collaborative operation of hot water heat storage technology and combined heat and power units. This solution aims to enhance power supply reliability, improve the quality of heat supply, and achieve power load regulation. This article aims to introduce the operational principles, application conditions, structural composition, and thermal characteristics of hot water storage tanks in thermal energy storage technology. Furthermore, a comparative analysis is conducted to assess the thermal latency, economic viability, safety, and flexibility aspects of three different arrangements of thermal storage tank systems: centralized, distributed, and decentralized. Additionally, the article summarizes the current research achievements and presents an initial economic evaluation. %K 集中供热,“以热定电”,热水蓄热,分析
Central Heating %K “Heat-Led Electricity Generation” %K Hot Water Heat Storage %K Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67559