%0 Journal Article %T About the Thermodynamics and Aging of Self-Organizing Systems %A Jorge Barrag¨¢n %A Sebasti¨¢n S¨¢nchez %J Advances in Aging Research %P 56-66 %@ 2169-0502 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/aar.2023.124005 %X We know that the total daily energy dissipation increases in complex organisms like the humans. It¡¯s very probable that this increase in total energy dissipation is related to the progressive increase in mass. But we also know that day by day the dissipation of energy per unit mass decreases in these organisms. We intend to verify if this decrease is only an expression of the second law of thermodynamics, or if it is related to the increase in mass that occurs in these organisms. For this, we set ourselves the following objectives: verify the correlation between total energy dissipation and the evolution of body mass, and verify the correlation between the dissipation of energy per unit of mass and the evolution of body mass. As a result of the data analysis, we found a high degree of correlation between total energy dissipation and the evolution of body mass. And we also found a high correlation between the energy dissipated per unit of mass and the evolution of body mass. We can conclude that self-organization produces not only an increase in mass, but also a decline in energy dissipation per unit mass beyond what is expected by the second law of thermodynamics. %K Body Mass %K Energy Dissipation %K Neutral Operator %K Structural Geometry %K Information Density %K Inertial Systems %K Non-Inertial Systems %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=126048