%0 Journal Article %T 黄泥土氮磷钾施用量对云烟87产量品质的影响及推荐配方
Effects of Application Rate of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Loess Soil on Yield and Quality of Yunyan 87 and Its Recommended Formula %A 唐越岳 %A 陆引罡 %A 张涵 %A 李国明 %A 吴学蕤 %A 何腾兵 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 87-100 %@ 2330-524X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOCR.2023.112009 %X 通过研究中等肥力黄泥土条件下不同氮、磷、钾肥施用量在烤烟上的肥料效应,为该土种烟区的合理施肥提供科学依据。以云烟87为供试材料,采用“3414”田间试验设计,对烤烟的农艺性状以及化学成分、经济指标进行分析,并通过肥料效应函数方程拟合NPK施肥量。试验结果表明不同处理下的各农艺性状、化学成分之间差异较大,综合烤烟的生长发育以及成熟期的表现状况,和后期提高烤烟产量和经济效益分析,处理T5效果是最好的,根据建立的方程模型可以预测出N、P、K的最高施肥量分别为12.83 kg/666.67m2、35 kg/666.67m2、34.04 kg/666.67m2。从综合提高烤烟经济效益来看,最佳施肥量为尿素12.5 kg/666.67m2,过磷酸钙18 kg/666.67m2,硫酸钾33.2 kg/666.67m2
By studying the fertilizer effects of different nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application rates on flue-cured tobacco under the condition of medium-fertility loess soil, to provide scientific basis for rational fertilization in this soil type tobacco area. Using Yunyan 87 as the test material, the “3414” field experiment design was used to analyze the agronomic characters, chemical components and economic indicators of flue-cured tobacco, and the NPK fertilizer rate was fitted by the fertilizer effect function equation. The agronomic characters and chemical components of different treatments are quite different. Comprehensively analyzing the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco and the performance at maturity, as well as the analysis of improving the yield and economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco in the later period, the effect of treatment T5 is the best. The established equation model can predict that the maximum fertilizer rates of N, P and K are 12.83 kg/666.67m2, 35 kg/666.67m2 and 34.04 kg/666.67m2, respectively. From the perspective of comprehensively improving the economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco, the optimal fertilization rate is 12.5 kg/666.67m2 of urea, 18 kg/666.67m2 of superphosphate, and 33.2 kg/666.67m2 of potassium sulfate. %K 云烟87,施肥,经济效益,黄泥土,“3414”试验
Yunyan 87 %K Fertilization %K Economic Benefits %K Loess Soil %K “3414” Experiment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67924