%0 Journal Article %T 管柱敲击振动信号时频分析
Time-Frequency Analysis of Pipe Percussive Vibration Signals %A 吕苗荣 %A 吕毅涵 %J Open Journal of Acoustics and Vibration %P 75-87 %@ 2328-0522 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJAV.2023.112009 %X 开展管柱敲击振动研究,对了解管柱振动波传播机理与开发管柱振动信息传输技术具有重要意义。本文采用CoCo80四通道采集仪,在不同实验条件下采集PVC管和钢管的敲击振动信号;运用时频分析法,分析了敲击振动信号的组成及时频特征,描述了在管柱敲击振动中普遍存在的管柱刚体加速度运动现象。研究表明,敲击振动信号对位置变化具有很强的敏感性;PVC管敲击振动信号的频谱呈典型的宽频分布,而钢管柱敲击振动信号频谱成分相对丰富,具有倍频程特征,可以利用敲击振动信号的频谱来直接识别管柱材料。上述成果可以为下一步研究振动信号建模创造有利的条件。
Research on percussive vibration of pipe is of great significance to understand the mechanism of wave propagation and develop the technology of signal transmission in tubular string. In this study, percussive vibration test of PVC pipe and steel pipe was carried out. Vibration signals were collected by CoCo80 multi-channel acoustic signal collector under different experimental conditions. With Time-Frequency Analysis, the composition and time-frequency feature of signals were analyzed, the rigid-body acceleration motion and its universality in pipe percussive vibration were demonstrated. Results show that the signals are sensitive to knock location. The frequency spectrum of PVC pipe signals shows a typical broadband distribution, while the frequency spectrum of steel ones is relatively rich in composition and shows octave features. And the spectrum can be used to directly identify the material of tubular string. The results above can create favorable conditions for the next research of vibration signal modeling. %K 管柱,敲击,振动信号,频谱,时频分析
Pipe %K Percussion %K Vibration Signal %K Frequency Spectrum %K Time-Frequency Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=68140