%0 Journal Article %T “双循环”背景下东莞家具业的发展策略分析
Analysis on the Development Strategy of Dongguan Furniture Industry under the Background of “Double Circulation” %A 张艳丽 %A 曾乐瑶 %J World Economic Research %P 200-207 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WER.2023.122021 %X 近年来,世界经济格局发生重大变化。对此,政府在去年7月规划下半年经济工作时,提出了以国内周期为主体,国内与国际周期相辅相成的新发展思路,即“双循环”经济发展模式。双循环经济不仅顺应了时代的变化,也为家具企业带来了新的发展机遇;激活内部活力,为家具企业的发展注入了发展新动力。本文将通过梳理相关文献对上述问题进行深入分析。以“双循环”为切入点,对相关文献进行梳理,对东莞家具业经济内循环为主、内外双循环相互促进的发展思路如何理解;东莞家具行业在新的发展思路下,应该把握怎样的发展路径等问题进行探讨。
In recent years, the world economic landscape has undergone significant changes. In response, the government in July last year when planning the second half of the economic work, put forward a domestic cycle as the main body, the domestic and international cycles complement each other’s new development ideas, that is, “double-cycle” economic development model. The double-cycle economy not only responds to the changes of the times, but also brings new development opportunities for furniture enterprises; activating internal vitality and injecting new impetus for the development of furniture enterprises. This paper will analyse these issues in depth by reviewing the relevant literature. With the “double cycle” as the starting point, the paper will review the relevant literature and discuss how to understand the development idea that the internal cycle of Dongguan’s furniture industry is the main economy and that the internal and external cycles promote each other, and what development path the Dongguan furniture industry should grasp under the new development idea. %K 双循环,家具制造业,东莞制造
Double Cycle %K Furniture Manufacturing %K Made in Dongguan %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=68304