%0 Journal Article %T Agolin Ruminant<sup>&#174</sup>, an Essential Oil Blend, Increases Energy-Corrected Milk and Feed Efficiency in a High Component Dairy Herd %A Jorge Noricumbo-Saenz %A Peter Williams %A Hector Garcia %J Open Journal of Animal Sciences %P 272-282 %@ 2161-7627 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojas.2023.133020 %X Agolin&#174 Ruminant (Agolin) is a blend of essential oils developed to improve feed efficiency while at the same time reducing rumen enteric methane production. Studies have shown that the product improves lactational performance, but the range of results has been varied. This experiment evaluated the effects of the feed additive Agolinon milk production in a high-component (fat and protein) dairy herd when provided for an extended time. The experiment was conducted at a large commercial dairy in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Eight pens of cows (350 to 500 cows/pen) were blocked by production, and pens within blocks were randomly assigned to treatment. All pens received a common total mixed ration. Treatment consisted of providing 1 g/cow/day of Agolin to the test group. A 4-week adaptation period was followed by an 11-week study period. Milk production and milk composition were determined by cow by averaging daily performance for the one-week period before the start of the trial (covariate period) and the last week of each of the two test periods. Feed intakes were determined by pen at the same time. Milk yield was 1.11 kg/cow/day greater (P < 0.001) at the midpoint and 1.48 kg/cow/day greater