%0 Journal Article %T Problems of Contraception in Commune IV of the District of Bamako about 109 Cases %A Sirama Diarra %A Birama Traore %A Yacouba Dembele %A Brahima Dembele %A Salif Diarra %A Dess¨¦ Diarra %A Amaguir¨¦ Saye %J Advances in Breast Cancer Research %P 77-96 %@ 2168-1597 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/abcr.2023.123007 %X In Mali, the low utilization of reproductive health services in general and family planning (FP) in particular contributes strongly to illnesses or deaths of women during and/or after childbirth and of children under the age of one year. This situation is, among other things, the logical consequence of harmful practices, including closely spaced pregnancies, early pregnancies, clandestine abortions, access difficulties and the lack of adequate obstetric and neonatal care. Objective: The objective of our study was to study the difficulties of access to contraception in the health district of commune IV. Methodology: This was a descriptive and multicenter prospective cross-sectional study, carried out in the reference health center of commune IV in the district of Bamako, in the ten (10) CSCOMs and the RENEE CISSE maternity hospital (MRC). Study appalled from June 1 to December 30, 2019. Two subgroups of the study population were involved in the study: Service providers; Users (clients) made up of women of childbearing age (13 - 45 years old). The premises of the FP units, the service providers, the clients who answered our questionnaires constituted our sample; the interviewed providers were also evaluated for their capacity in Counseling with the different methods used. The variables retained for the analysis concerned: the provision of contraceptive products; as well as user files and their characteristics. Results: The result of our survey reveals that the method most used at the time of our survey was Norplant 49.5% and the least used is the pill 1.8; some products, such as the diaphragm, cervical cap, female condom and spermicide, are not available in the various FP units. Side effects were the cause of discontinuation for 17.9% of our clients; 50% against the husband; 10.7% for no reason; 21.4% for desire for children. 87.2% of clients are satisfied with the service delivery compared to 12.8%. 79.8% of clients say that the cost of contraceptive products is affordable compared to 20.2%. Clients who attend the FP unit with their partner¡¯s consent accounted for 21.1% versus 78.9%. All providers were female. They only resort to Doctors in case of tubal ligation and resection. The preference of the female provider was explained by: Religion: ¡°For Muslims, it is preferable %K Problem %K Contraception %K Bamako (Mali) %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=126202