%0 Journal Article %T 一例罕见骶尾部巨大畸胎瘤患者的快速康复护理实践
Rapid Rehabilitation Nursing Practice of a Case of Rare Giant Sacrococcygeal Teratoma %A 刘玉琴 %A 汤小华 %J World Journal of Cancer Research %P 115-119 %@ 2164-9057 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WJCR.2023.133016 %X 目的:研究快速康复在骶尾部巨大畸胎瘤合并尿潴留患者中的应用。方法:针对一例罕见骶尾部巨大畸胎瘤合并尿潴留患者,在治疗过程中,医护联合运用快速康复理论,围手术期加强患者心理护理,术后充分镇痛,减少患者围手术期应激反应,减少术后并发症,术后早期拔除各种管道,加速患者术后康复。结果:快速康复让该患者减轻了术后疼痛,未发生并发症,缩短了住院时间。结论:快速康复在骶尾部巨大畸胎瘤术后护理中具有指导意义。
Objective: To study the application of rapid rehabilitation in patients with large sacrococcygeal teratoma complicated with urinary retention. Methods: For one case of sacrococcygeal giant teratoma patients with urinary retention, in the course of treatment, medical care combined with rapid recovery theory, strengthen the psychological care of patients in the perioperative period, postoperative analgesia, reduce the stress response of patients in the perioperative period, reduce postoperative complications, early postoperative removal of various tubes, accelerate the postoperative rehabilitation of patients. Results: Rapid rehabilitation made the patient reduce the postoperative pain, no complications, and shortened the length of hospital stay. Conclusion: Rapid rehabilitation has guiding significance in postoperative nursing of giant sacrococcygeal teratoma. %K 快速康复,骶尾部,畸胎瘤,尿潴留,护理
Rapid Recovery %K Sacrococcygeal %K Teratoma %K Urinary Retention %K Nursing %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=68645