%0 Journal Article %T 英国核安全分级监管综述及有关问题研究
Summarization and Research on Grading of UK’s Nuclear Safety Regulatory %A 赵弥 %A 徐健 %A 彭海成 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 218-223 %@ 2332-712X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2023.113023 %X 英国核监管办公室负责民用核安全与安保监管,将场址及责任人监管关注等级分为常规监管关注、加强监管关注和显著提高监管关注3级。监管问题是影响监管关注等级的主要因素之一,核监管办公室将监管问题分为4级,利用“红色/琥珀色/绿色(RAG)”指标监控问题整改,确保及时恢复到常规监管关注等级。本文详细论述英国核安全分级监管情况,分析监管关注等级内容与具体评估指标,为完善我国核设施分类监管及核安全问题隐患分级提供借鉴。
The Office of Nuclear Regulation is responsible for civilian nuclear safety and security supervision, dividing the site and duty holder’s attention into three levels: Routine Regulatory Attention, Enhanced Regulatory Attention and Significantly Enhanced Regulatory Attention. Regulatory issue is one of the major factors affecting the attention level, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory divides regulatory issues into four levels, uses the “Red/Amber/Green (RAG)” indicator to monitor the rectification of issues, to ensure to resume the routine regulatory attention levels in time. This paper discusses the grading of UK’s nuclear safety regulatory, analyzes the content and specific evaluation indicators of attention level, so as to provide reference for improving the classification of nuclear facilities regulatory and the grading of nuclear safety hidden trouble in China. %K 核安全,分级监管,责任人
Nuclear Safety %K Grading Regulatory %K Duty Holder %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=68652