%0 Journal Article %T Monitoring Water Quality in Ballona Lagoon, Los Angeles, California: Nitrate Level Fluctuation in Low and High Tide Condition %A Mohammad Hassan Rezaie-Boroon %A Georgina Campos %A Marleni Estrada %A Patrik Kwan %A Daniel Venegas %J Journal of Water Resource and Protection %P 333-345 %@ 1945-3108 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jwarp.2023.157019 %X The coastal wetland, Ballona Lagoon in Southern California has experienced degradation and size reduction due to urbanization. This study analyzes nitrate concentrations in the lagoon to identify contamination sources and assess its impact. The study includes determining nitrate levels during high and low tides during wet and dry seasons, establishing concentration gradients, and examining the relationship between salinity and nitrate concentrations. The nitrate concentrations were found to be higher in locations closer to the head of the lagoon, particularly in urbanized areas, suggesting land-based sources during the dry season¡¯s high tide (S2: 2.37 mg/l; S3: 3.85 mg/l; S4: 3.91 mg/l). Findings highlight the importance of managing nitrate contamination near urban areas. Monitoring nitrate levels over time are crucial for sustainability efforts. This research emphasizes the need for long-term monitoring and conservation strategies to mitigate nitrate contamination in Ballona Lagoon. %K Ballona Lagoon %K Urbanization %K Nitrate Contamination %K Nitrification %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=126321