%0 Journal Article %T 考虑辐照生长效应的包壳管蠕变坍塌研究
Study on Creep Collapse Behavior of the Cladding Tube Considering the Irradiation Growth Effect %A 张明 %A 朱亚楠 %A 卢勇 %A 罗雅云 %A 刘虓瀚 %A 厉井钢 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 224-230 %@ 2332-712X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2023.113024 %X 为了保证反应堆的安全运行,在设计阶段需验证包壳管的蠕变坍塌行为。本文基于商业有限元软件ABAQUS及其子程序建立了考虑辐照生长效应的三维包壳管的蠕变坍塌分析模型,并制定了包壳管的蠕变坍塌准则,分析了包壳管辐照生长和格架弹簧失效对蠕变坍塌行为的影响。研究结果表明辐照生长和格架弹簧失效均对包壳管的蠕变坍塌有促进作用。因此,为增加保守性和安全性,在燃料棒的蠕变坍塌设计时应考虑辐照生长和格架弹簧失效的影响。
The creep collapse behavior of the cladding tube should be verified at the fuel rod’s design stage to guarantee the nuclear reactor’s safe operation. In this study, commercial finite element software ABAQUS and its subroutine were utilized to model the three-dimensional creep collapse behavior with considering the irradiation growth effect. The creep collapse criterion of cladding was established and the effects of irradiation growth and grid spring failure on the creep collapse behavior of cladding tubes were analyzed. The results show that both irradiation growth and grid spring failure promote creep collapse of the cladding tube. The irradiation growth and grid spring failure should be considered in the design of fuel rods in order to increase conservatism and safety. %K 包壳管,蠕变坍塌,辐照生长,格架弹簧
Cladding Tube %K Creep Collapse %K Irradiation Growth %K Grid Springs %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=68742