%0 Journal Article %T 叶面喷施纳米硅肥对稻米镉含量及产量的影响
Effects of Foliar Applied Nano-Silicon Fertilizer on the Cadmium Content and Yield of Paddy Crop %A 齐季 %A 吴展才 %A 刘统棋 %J Hans Journal of Soil Science %P 116-121 %@ 2329-7263 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJSS.2023.113015 %X 水稻具有较强的吸镉特性,稻米镉含量高低直接关系到农户收益及食品安全问题。本研究中使用一款新型纳米液体硅肥菲彤®,作为水稻吸镉的叶面阻隔剂。试验数据表明,通过9个处理组与对照组的比较,稻米镉含量均显著降低,且处理组镉含量均降至国家标准规定范围内,最大降幅达64.47%。此外,处理组与对照组之间千粒重差异不显著,但理论亩产增加56.85 kg,理论增产率达9.88%。因此,纳米液体硅肥菲彤®不仅能有效降低稻米镉含量,还能增加水稻产量,从而带来增产提质和粮食安全的双重效益。
Paddy cropabsorbs cadmium (Cd) in field from soil easily, which affects income of grower and raises public food safety issue greatly. In this study, Feitong®, a new nano liquid silicon fertilizer, was used as a leaf barrier agent to block Cd absorption. Field data showed that the Cd content of rice in 9 treatment groups was significantly reduced compared to control group, and the Cd content in the treatment group was reduced to the range stipulated by the national standard, with a maximum reduction of 64.47%. In addition, thousand-grain-weight, though difference between the treatment group and the control group was not statistically significant, theoretical yield per China acre (mu) increased by 56.85kg in average, leading to a potential increase rate of 9.88%. Therefore, Feitong®, can be used as an agent to reduce rice Cd effectively, also for yield increment, which results positive effects on food safety and production. %K 纳米硅肥,理论亩产,千粒重,稻米镉含量
Nano-Silicon Fertilizer %K Theoretical Yield %K TKW %K Cd Content of Rice %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=68913