%0 Journal Article %T Stressors in Nurse Students¡¯ Formation in the New Normality Post COVID-19 %A Nancy Stephany Viorato-Romero %A Graciela Gonz¨¢lez-Ju¨¢rez %A Alba Luz Robles-Mendoza %A Diana Cecilia Tapia-Pancardo %J Open Journal of Nursing %P 399-410 %@ 2162-5344 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojn.2023.137027 %X Background: Mental health has been impaired and at risk due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences due to confinement impacted every scenario, which directly influenced the daily routine of nurse students; in each setting students faced stressors that trigger fear, anxiety and others, since being in confinement learning of topics moved to the home, laboratory practices in hospitals were cancelled leaving the room that is uncertain up to their return to in-person activities. It is important to highlight the need for innovation and strengthening of theoretical-pedagogic aspects centered at the student¡¯s context as a human being with their own needs and problems, who will interact with others in the continuous process of health-illness. Objective: the aim was to identify the stressors in the nurse students¡¯ formation in the new normality post-COVID-19. Methods: Qualitative and phenomenological research with 27 participants aged 20 - 25 years, nurse students of a public university. The information collection was through four focal groups of 6-7 members each, data analysis was done according to Miles & Huberman after signed informed consent of each participant, and authorized by the chairperson of the Nurse¡¯ career. Results: Category 1, Cumulative stressors with sub-categories 1.1 Uncertainty, 1.2 Isolation, 1.3 Invisibility, 1.4 Mockery, 1.5 Exclusion. Category 2, Expectancy states with sub-categories 2.1 Low self-esteem, 2.2 Insecurity, 2.3 Anxiety, 2.4 Depression, 2.5 Temporary leave, 2.6 Search for authenticity. Category 3, Internalization processes with sub-categories 3.1 Social rejection, 3.2 Self-censorship, 3.3 Discrediting, 3.4 Disempowerment. Category 4, Academic aspects affected with sub-categories 4.1 Deficient studying habits, 4.2 Deficient assimilations of knowledge, 4.3 Archived knowledge in the computer, 4.4 Absence of practice in previous semesters. Conclusion: Once identified the stressors in nurse students in the new normality post-COVID-19, it will allow the creation of settings that help in getting confidence for students, i.e., a safe surrounding promotes the development of abilities and competencies during formation, as well as recommendations of teachers in the classroom and laboratories that contribute to filling space that students perceive as empty, and to intensifying the companionship in clinical settings where students perceive most aggressiveness. %K Stressors %K Nurse Students¡¯ Formation %K New Normality Post COVID-19 %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=126357