%0 Journal Article %T 基于Workbench的航空发动机双辐板涡轮盘强度分析及结构优化
Workbench Based Strength Analysis and Structural Optimization of Twin Spoke Turbine Disks in Aircraft Engines %A 屈帅镔 %A 胡宋健 %A 郝方周 %A 陈航 %A 陈嘉骏 %A 宋超 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 165-172 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2023.123018 %X 应用workbench商业有限元分析软件对双辐板涡轮盘和传统涡轮盘进行了强度分析,结果表明:双辐板涡轮盘在质量方面具有优势,但在强度方面略逊于传统涡轮盘,接下来采用参数化直接优化的方法对双辐板涡轮盘进行结构优化,结果表明该优化方法使得双辐板涡轮盘在重量和强度方面均得到提升。
The strength analysis of double spoke turbine discs and traditional turbine discs was conducted using Workbench commercial finite element analysis software. The results showed that double spoke turbine discs have advantages in quality, but slightly inferior in strength to traditional turbine discs. Next, a parameterized direct optimization method was used to optimize the structure of double spoke turbine discs. The results showed that this optimization method improved the weight and strength of double spoke turbine discs. %K 双辐板涡轮盘,航空发动机,参数化结构优化,强度分析
Double Spoke Turbine Disk %K Aircraft Engine %K Parameterized Structure Optimization %K Strength Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69076