%0 Journal Article %T 基于Arduino UNO R3的画画写字机的设计与实现
Design and Implementation of Picture Writer Based on Arduino UNO R3 %A 郭付阳 %A 董文方 %A 池桂林 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 173-185 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2023.123019 %X 本文设计实现了一种基于Arduino UNO R3的写字绘图机械装置,本次设计综合考虑装置的功能与技术指标,经过设计方案的选择,进行细致的调试与测试最终确定画笔驱动控制算法、画笔路径规划算法、计算机与主控芯片的通讯方式等一套可实现的系统设计方案。本次设计主要完成了如下工作:系统的硬件设计与选择,包括系统的电路设计、主控芯片与拓展板的选择、步进电机的选择、抬笔舵机的选择、支撑框架的选材和相关通信连接线的选择等。系统的软件算法设计,包括各模块驱动算法的设计开发、画笔行走路径的规划算法和绘出基本图形文字的算法等。依据系统设计原理进行硬件搭建并运行程序算法,可以实现理想文字和图形的绘出。测试结果表明,本次设计达到预期目标。
This paper designs and implements a writing and drawing mechanical device based on Arduino Uno R3. This design comprehensively considers the functions and technical indicators of the device. After comparison and selection of design schemes, and detailed debugging and testing, the final brush drive control algorithm, brush path planning algorithm, computer program and the main control chip communication mode, such as a set of realizable system design scheme is determined. This design has mainly completed the following work: the hardware design and selection of the system, including the circuit design of the system, the main control chip and the selection of the expansion board, the selection of the stepper motor, the selection of the steering gear, the selection of the support frame and the selection of the relevant communication lines. The software algorithm design of the system includes the design and development of the module driven algorithm, the planning algorithm of the brush walking path and the algorithm of drawing the basic graphics and words. According to the system design principle, set up hardware and run the program algorithm, and ideal text and graphics drawing can be achieved. The test results show that the design reaches the expected goal. %K 机器人,写字机,Arduino,路径规划,写字绘图
Robot %K Writing Machine %K Arduino %K Path Planning %K Writing Drawing %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69491