%0 Journal Article %T 智能化技术在核电行业应用的可行性研究分析
Feasibility Study and Analysis of Intelligent Technology Application in Nuclear Power Industry %A 王娟 %A 吴旭 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 271-283 %@ 2332-712X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2023.113029 %X 能源行业是一个正在发展的蓬勃行业,需要逐步将智能化应用到正在蓬勃发展的核能中。本文从其他能源行业出发,通过对风能、火电、水电、电网等能源行业已投入运营的智能化系统进行分析,将智能化运行的功能划分为智能感知、智能控制、智能维护、智能巡检四个方向,选取可应用在核能行业内的相关技术进行综述,调研结果可以为核电智能化技术落地提供支撑。
The energy industry is a booming industry that needs to gradually apply intelligence to the booming industry. Starting from other energy industries, this paper analyzes the intelligent systems that have been put into operation in the energy industries such as wind power, thermal power, hydro-power and power grid, and divides the functions of intelligent operation into four directions: intelligent perception, intelligent control, intelligent maintenance and intelligent inspection. The selected relevant technologies that can be applied in the nuclear energy industry are reviewed, and the research results can provide support for the implementation of nuclear intelligent technology. %K 核电智能化,在线巡检,大数据,能源互联网,机器学习
Intellectualization of Nuclear Power %K Online Patrol Inspection %K Big Data %K Energy Internet %K Machine Learning %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69613