%0 Journal Article %T 用于涉核场所中子能谱测量的中子旋转谱仪研制
Design of Neutron Rotation Spectrometer for Neutron Spectrum Measurement in Nuclear Sites %A 李世垚 %A 聂萍 %A 陆慧晨 %A 秦茜 %A 李彪 %A 肖凯歌 %A 侯志 %A 郑琦 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 295-304 %@ 2332-712X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2023.113031 %X 针对涉核场所现场中子能谱测量问题,研制了一种用于混合场中子能谱测量的智能化中子旋转谱仪。该谱仪主要由搭载在匀速转台上的探测器系统和电子学系统两部分组成。探测器系统包括5支气体探测器和1支塑料闪烁体探测器。电子学系统主要由信号调理电路、多通道信号采集处理电路和电源电路三部分组成。可实现所有探测器同时测量,并同时进行信号采集与处理。该谱仪具有能量分辨率高(5.4%@1.2 MeV),同时具备n/γ甄别能力(品质因数(Figure of Merit, FOM) = 1.37)等优点,满足一般涉核场所中子能谱测量需求。
In order to solve the problem of neutron spectrum measurement in nuclear-related sites, an intelligent neutron rotation spectrometer for neutron spectrum measurement in mixed field is developed. The spectrometer is mainly composed of a detector system and an electronics system mounted on a turntable with uniform velocity. The detector system is mainly composed 5 gas detectors and 1 plastic scintillator detector. The electronic system is mainly composed of signal condi-tioning circuit, multi-channel signal acquisition and processing circuit and power supply circuit. All detectors can be measured simultaneously, and signal acquisition and processing can be carried out simultaneously. The spectrometer has high energy resolution (5.4%@1 MeV), and also has n/γ discrimination capability (FOM (Figure of Merit) = 1.37), which can meet the requirements of neutron spectroscopy measurement in general nuclear-related sites. %K 中子能谱仪,气体探测器,闪烁体探测器,多道分析器,FPGA
Neutron Spectrometer %K Gas Detector %K Scintillator %K Multichannel Analyzer %K FPGA %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69615