%0 Journal Article %T 基于植物营养要素的林业防护管理
Forestry Protection Management Based on Plant Nutrients %A 高帆 %A 程亚倩 %A 丁英峰 %A 郝培彤 %J World Journal of Forestry %P 158-161 %@ 2169-2440 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WJF.2023.123020 %X 林业养护管理是保护和提高森林健康状况的关键措施之一。植物营养是林业养护管理中的一个重要方向,它涉及到植物所需的营养元素以及它们对植物生长和发育的影响。本文将探讨植物营养在林业养护管理中的作用,包括植物营养的重要性、植物营养的来源、植物营养的平衡调节等方面。通过深入理解和有效管理植物营养,可以实现森林健康和可持续发展的目标。
Forestry conservation and management is one of the key measures to protect and improve forest health. Plant nutrition is an important direction in forestry conservation management, which involves the nutrients required by plants and their impact on plant growth and development. This article will discuss the role of plant nutrition in forestry conservation and management, including the importance of plant nutrition, the sources of plant nutrition, and the balance regulation of plant nutrition. The goals of forest health and sustainable development can be achieved through a deeper understanding and effective management of plant nutrition. %K 林业养护管理,植物营养,营养元素,森林健康,可持续发展
Forestry Conservation and Management %K Plant Nutrition %K Nutrient Elements %K Forest Health %K Sustainable Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69712