%0 Journal Article %T 林草资源保护和森林防火管理措施探讨
Discussion on Forest and Grass Resources Protection and Forest Fire Prevention Management Measures %A 程亚倩 %A 丁英峰 %A 郝培彤 %A 高帆 %J World Journal of Forestry %P 162-165 %@ 2169-2440 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WJF.2023.123021 %X 林草资源是重要的自然资源之一,对于维护生态平衡、促进经济发展和改善人民生活具有重要的意义。因此,林草资源保护是一个至关重要的问题,应确保林草资源的保护效果,综合应用森林防火技术,进一步增强生态系统的稳定性。完善森林防火管理措施,降低森林火灾发生率,对我国稀有森林资源进行全面保护,提高森林资源利用率,促进人与自然和谐发展。
Forest and grass resources are one of the important natural resources, which are of great significance for maintaining ecological balance, promoting economic development and improving people’s lives. Therefore, the protection of forest and grass resources is a crucial issue, and the protection effect of forest and grass resources should be ensured, and forest fire prevention technology should be comprehensively applied to further enhance the stability of the ecosystem. Improve forest fire prevention management measures, reduce the incidence of forest fires, comprehensively protect China’s rare forest resources, improve the utilization rate of forest resources, and promote the harmonious development of man and nature. %K 林草资源,保护,森林防火,管理措施
Forest and Grass Resources %K Protection %K Forest Fire Prevention %K Management Measures %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69714