%0 Journal Article %T 由货币的演变谈电子货币的发展——数字人民币APP的推广与应用
On the Development of Electronic Currency from the Evolution of Money —Promotion and Application of the Digital RMB APP %A 任新利 %J Business and Globalization %P 68-73 %@ 2331-0219 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/BGlo.2023.113008 %X 随着时代的进步,科技的发展,数字经济方兴未艾,传统货币已经不能很好的适应现代数字经济的发展。本文首先由货币的演变与发展,阐述了电子货币的概念、类型和运作形态,及其与传统货币循环过程的区别;其次分析了数字人民币的发展特点及优势;最后介绍了数字人民币APP的使用方法及应用范围等。数字人民币的应用,既满足国内移动支付需求,又支持跨境支付结算,它的推广将扩大人民币在全球范围的影响力,为人民币国际化提供有利条件。
With the progress of the times, the development of technology and the digital economy, the traditional currency is no longer well adapted to the development of the modern digital economy. This paper firstly, by the evolution and development of money, describes the concept, type and operation form of electronic money, and its difference from the traditional money circulation process; secondly, analyzes the development characteristics and advantages of digital RMB; finally, introduces the use method and application scope of digital RMB APP. The application of digital RMB not only meets the domestic mobile payment demand, but also supports cross-border payment settlement, and its promotion will expand the influence of RMB worldwide and provide favorable conditions for RMB internationalization. %K 货币,电子货币,数字货币,数字人民币
Currency %K Electronic Money %K Digital Currency %K Digital RMB %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69412