%0 Journal Article %T 湖库蓝藻水华应急治理技术研究现状与展望
Research Status and Prospect of Emergency Treatment Technology for Cyanobacteria Bloom in Lakes and Reservoirs %A 郝越 %A 杨霞 %A 龙萌 %A 王振华 %A 林莉 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 226-237 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JWRR.2023.123026 %X 针对我国湖库蓝藻水华治理需求,首先从蓝藻生理生态特性、水质条件、气象条件、水文水动力条件和水生生物群落结构等方面简要分析了湖库蓝藻水华暴发成因与机理,简述了湖库蓝藻水华产生的危害及监测手段,然后重点从物理、化学和生物三个方面对现有的应急除藻技术原理、适用范围、优势和不足进行了梳理总结,最后对蓝藻水华应急治理技术的研究方向与应用前景提出了展望。认为应针对湖库富营养化特点及水体净化需求,研发适应于水体低浓度营养盐高效削减、轻度水华防控抑藻、中重度水华应急除藻、抑藻除藻后水质持续改善等多场景的水质净化关键技术及装备,同时提出“多技术优化集成开发、便捷智能化操作、绿色节能环保、除藻技术与湖库水质富营养化监测预警相结合”等是未来的发展方向。
Aiming at the demand of cyanobacterial bloom control in lakes and reservoirs in China, this paper briefly analyzes the causes and mechanisms of cyanobacteria blooms in lakes and reservoirs from the aspects of physiological and ecological characteristics of cyanobacteria, water quality, meteorology, hydrology and hydrodynamics, and aquatic communities. The harm and monitoring methods of cya-nobacterial bloom in lakes and reservoirs is briefly described. The principles, application scope, ad-vantages and disadvantages of the existing emergency algae removal technology are summarized from three aspects of physics, chemistry and biolog. Finally, the research direction and application prospect of emergency management technology are prospected. The key technologies and equipment for water purification should be developed according to the characteristics of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs and the needs of water purification, such as efficient reduction of low-concentration nutrients in water bodies, prevention and control of mild algal blooms, emergency algae removal of moderate and severe algal blooms, and continuous improvement of water quality after algae inhibition and algae removal. The multi-technology optimization and integrated development, convenient and intelligent operation, green energy conservation and environmental protection, algae removal technology and lake water eutrophication monitoring and early warning are suggested the future development directions. %K 蓝藻水华,成因与机理,监测预警,应急治理技术
Cyanobacteria Bloom %K Causes and Mechanisms %K Monitoring and Early Warning %K Emergency Treatment Techniques %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67655