%0 Journal Article %T 碘量法测定水质样品溶解氧结果的不确定度评定
Evaluation of Uncertainty in the Determination Results of Dissolved Oxygen in Water Samples by Iodometric Method %A 林桂芝 %A 李强 %A 张晓云 %A 张亚平 %A 胡转玲 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 287-295 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JWRR.2023.123033 %X 本文依据GB/T27418-2017《测量不确定度评定与表示》对运用GB 7489-1987《水质溶解氧的测定碘量法》测定水质样品中溶解氧含量进行了不确定度评定;在实际工作中系统地运用不确定度评定方法对环境水样品测定溶解氧过程中的不确定度分量进行了分析和量化,求出溶解氧测定结果的合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度分别为0.102 mg/L和0.204 mg/L;并对容量法的测量不确定度评定进行了概括与总结,具有一定的实用性与指导意义。
Based on GB/T27418-2017 Guide to the Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, this paper evaluates the uncertainty in the determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water environment samples by GB 7489-1987 Water quality-Determination of dissolved oxygen-Iodometric method. In practical work, the uncertainty components in the determination of DO in water samples are analyzed and quantified using the method of uncertainty evaluation, and the combined standard uncertainty and the expanded uncertainty of the determination result of DO are 0.102 mg/L and 0.204 mg/L respectively. The evaluation of measurement uncertainty of the volumetric method is summarized, which has certain practicability and guiding significance. %K 溶解氧,碘量法,测定结果,不确定度评定
Dissolved Oxygen %K Iodometric Method %K Determination Results %K Evaluation of Uncertainty %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=69842