%0 Journal Article %T 来华留学生代购的影响因素及风险研究
Study on the Influencing Factors and Risks of Cross-Border Purchasing by Foreign Students in China %A 美莎 %J World Economic Research %P 247-253 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WER.2023.123027 %X 随着人们消费水平的提高和线上购物平台的发展,跨境代购成为一种新兴的购物模式。跨境代购可以满足消费者的多元需求,而青年群体在其中起到积极推动作用。本文聚焦于代购和外籍来华留学生代购群体,分析来华留学生代购的影响因素和风险,并提出了风险规避建议。
With the improvement of people’s consumption level and the development of online shopping plat-forms, cross-border purchasing has become a new shopping mode. Cross-border purchasing can meet the diverse needs of consumers, and young people play an active role in promoting it. This paper focuses on cross-border purchasing and foreign students in China, analyzes the influencing factors and risks of cross-border purchasing for foreign students in China, and puts forward suggestions on risk avoidance. %K 来华留学生,代购,影响因素,风险
Foreign Students in China %K Cross-Border Purchasing %K Influencing Factor %K Risk %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=71196