%0 Journal Article %T Research on Value and Strategy Reconstruction of Leading Cadres¡¯ New Media Based on Government Communication %A Hebin Zhang %A Muhammad Zaffwan Idris %J Advances in Journalism and Communication %P 209-219 %@ 2328-4935 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajc.2023.113015 %X [Purpose/Significance]: This study aims to promote the development of the theory and practice of government communication, to reconstruct their value system and operation strategy, through collecting and analyzing Chinese leading cadres¡¯ microblog, WeChat, TikTok accounts. [Method/Process]: Based on the themes and contents of nearly 100 new media accounts of leading cadres at different stages collected, we analyze their value presentation and operation strategies, and reconstruct their value system and strategies. [Result/Conclusion]: The study finds that the new media of leading cadres can be reconstructed from the intersection of media communication and government communication, based on ¡°as a branch, as a channel, as a means, as a position, as a way¡±, and can build a progressive management strategy system of ¡°function strategy, content strategy, communication strategy, evaluation strategy, matrix strategy, and brand strategy¡±. Future studies may investigate the impacts of interactive effect of different types and levels of new media accounts of leading cadres. Future studies may also enhance the empirical research from the audience¡¯s perspective. %K Leading Cadres¡¯ New Media %K Value Reconstruction %K Management Strategy Reconstruction %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=127209