%0 Journal Article %T 有效拟定社会科学论文题目的四个方式——国际期刊编委视角
Four Effective Approaches for Formulating Article Titles in Social Science—An Editorial Perspective of International Journals %A 龙海 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 61-67 %@ 2574-416X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2023.73010 %X 文章的题目决定了其被期刊接受发表的概率,以及发表后的阅读量和引用量,不同类型的题目对文章的学术价值影响存在差异。本文在分析了2100个社会科学国际学术期刊文献后,文章提出“两点成一线”的标准作为评判论文题目大小的原则,疑问式文献题目在社会科学领域目前是作者普遍采用的方式,能够清楚地表达研究问题,从而吸引读者的阅读兴趣。相反,抽象题目的文献被不易吸引读者兴趣,此类题目对文献的学术价值没有显著贡献。题目要尽可能体现研究亮点或研究价值,结论式题目对文献的学术价值有着显著的贡献,能够提升文献的引用量。
The title of an article determines the probability of being accepted for publication by a journal, as well as the number of readings and citations after publication. Different types of titles have different impacts on the academic value of an article. After analyzing 2100 international academic journals in social sciences, this study proposes a criterion of “two points in one line” as the principle for judging the size of the paper title. Question-type literature titles are currently a common method used by authors in the field of social sciences and present the research questions clearly so as to attract readers. On the contrary, literature with abstract topics is not likely to attract readers’ interests, and such topics do not significantly contribute to the academic value of literature. The topic should reflect the research highlights or research value as much as possible. The concluding topic can sig-nificantly contribute to the academic value of the literature and can increase the number of cita-tions of the literature. %K 文献题目,文献引用,文章发表,学术价值,国际期刊
Article Titles %K Literature Citations %K Article Publications %K Academic Value %K International Journals %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=71341