%0 Journal Article %T The Significance, Main Problem and Promotion Strategies of Interdisciplinary Subject Learning of Sports and Health %A Anyue Wu %J Advances in Physical Education %P 164-179 %@ 2164-0408 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ape.2023.133015 %X ¡°China Compulsory Education Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)¡± adds interdisciplinary thematic learning to the curriculum content. This is an inevitable choice for the physical education and health discipline to move from a single knowledge to a deep integration of comprehensive knowledge. It is also the only way for its teaching reform to move towards high-quality development. By using the methods of literature review, this paper studies the significance, main problems and implementation strategies of the interdisciplinary theme learning of sports and health. It is found that the interdisciplinary theme learning of sports and health is an important way to promote the development of students, solve comprehensive problems and promote academic performance, which is of great significance to the implementation of moral education and core literacy. However, there are still some problems, such as the difficulty of integrating subject knowledge, the inherentization of teachers¡¯ traditional thinking, the superposition and combination of subject knowledge, the neglect of knowledge transfer in mixed teaching, and the lack of standards leading to the fuzziness of evaluation. Based on this, in order to further promote the implementation of interdisciplinary thematic learning of sports and health, the following solutions are proposed: 1) construct three breakthrough points to integrate the knowledge related to other disciplines; 2) Teachers should change their teaching thinking and methods to improve interdisciplinary literacy; 3) Adhere to the dominant position of the subject to enhance the internal relations of subject knowledge; 4) Prevent shallow and mixed teaching to achieve knowledge transfer; 5) Design scientific evaluation criteria to help interdisciplinary learning to carry out long-term and orderly. %K Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards %K Interdisciplinary Theme Learning %K Meaning %K Main Issues %K Promotion Strategy %K Chinese Government %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=127364