%0 Journal Article %T Propensity for Progressive Renal Disease in Nephroangiosclerosis: A Refractory Phenotype of Genetic Vasculopathy in Essential Hypertension %A Kamel El-Reshaid %A Shaikha Al-Bader %A John Madda %J Open Journal of Nephrology %P 220-225 %@ 2164-2869 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojneph.2023.133021 %X Background: Inadequate treatment of essential hypertension (EH), Obesity, smoking, carbohydrate intolerance, hyperlipidemia, and nephrotox-in-exposure are major confounding factors in progression of Nephroangiosclerosis (N). However, neither the prevalence nor the severity of EH is a reliable predictor of individuals at risk for subsequent nephropathy. Patients and Methods: A 10-years retrospective analysis of 165 adequately treated patients with EH. Results: We observed 2 different renal outcomes. Twenty-three (14%) patients manifested progressive renal disease with > doubling serum creatinine and proteinuria with 3 reaching end-stage kidney disease. At start, biopsy of those patients showed features of ”°benign”± nephroangiosclerosis (N) ”Ą secondary form of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (without immune deposits). On the other hand; 142 with similar demographic characteristics, duration and severity of disease did not show significant renal disease on follow up. Conclusion: Induction of progressive N, in patients with EH, is compatible with phenotypic susceptibilities of genetic disorders. %K Biopsy %K Kidney Disease %K Genetics %K Hypertension %K Outcome %K Nephroangiosclerosis %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=127340